Sunday, December 10, 2017

Lisa Bloom Admits Documentary Deal With Harvey Weinstein ‘Clouded’ Her Judgement In Initially Choosing To Represent Him

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Lisa Bloom

regrets her initial decision to rep Harvey Weinstein at the beginning of his ousting.

Stopping by The View on Friday, the attorney opened up about the backlash she received after being connected with the disgraced filmmaker amid harrowing allegations of sexual harassment.

Related: Kathy Griffin Blasts 'Fame-Whoring' Lawyer Lisa Bloom

The so-called women's rights advocate said:

"I very much regret ever being involved in this. I'm mortified that I was connected with him in any way. All the people who have reached out to me to say, ‘Lisa, we're hurt and disappointed in you.' I get it. And I'm very, very sorry."

Here's the problem: Bloom had a big deal with Weinstein's film studio and JAY-Z to make her book about the Trayvon Martin case, Suspicion Nation, into a documentary series.

When asked if this swayed her decision, Lisa admitted:

"It was a real passion project for me. And when I was approached to do a documentary about it, yeah, I was thrilled. It's not a conflict legally for an attorney to have a business deal with a client. We had business deals, and then they tell us about legal problems. Ethically, it's not an issue. But people ask me, ‘Was I so excited about it that it clouded my judgement?' And I say, yes, I have to cop to that."

Watch her own up to it in the video (below):


[Image via ABC.]

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