Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Woman Gets Ultimate Revenge On Her Ex By Destroying His Most Prized Possession

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Heartbreak is one of the most painful experiences a person can go through. Some of us cope by eating gallon after gallon of Ben & Jerry’s, or rebounding with a sexy someone that’s completely wrong for us, or just sobbing with a good friend through a marathon of Catfish.

But if we’re going to get honest, we’ve also all wanted to enact revenge on a deserving ex at some point too. Maybe we thought about burning all their clothes, hiding shrimp in their car, or smashing their prized Xbox One to smithereens. Hell, I had a friend who hacked into their ex’s social media accounts and changing all of her profile pictures to Voldemort.

Perhaps some of us have actually done some of those things, or worse. But have you ever been so heartbroken that you drove your ex’s car into a swimming pool? This woman has! Kristina Kuchma, a 24-year-old model, was dumped by her boyfriend while on vacation in the Bahamas. Her boyfriend, Guy Gentile, a 41-year-old Wall Street banker, broke the news over dinner. I think we can all agree it’s a pretty low move to break up with someone while on a holiday.

While you can never be sure how someone will take the news, destroying a car is a bit of an extreme reaction to being dumped, even if it was while on vacation. However, Kuchma says that her revenge was motivated by Gentile’s broken promises and not from the nature of their breakup. Allegedly, Gentile had agreed to finance Kuchma’s business to the tune of $50,000, but Gentile says the situation was more complicated than that. Gentile reveals that Kuchma said she was pregnant, and although he initially agreed to support her and their child, he quickly changed his mind and immediately dumped her. He says that after his offer to stand by her, Kuchma added that she was “not pregnant with a kid” but “pregnant with an idea.” Kuchma then explained that the money was for a business plan and that his contribution would be considered a “gift”. Gentile immediately broke off their relationship.

“You know what? You got the wrong guy. If you want a guy who’s going to hand you money for nothing, you got the wrong guy,” Gentile told her. Kuchma then threw her drink in his face and stole the keys to his Mercedes S400. Gentile claims he later got a text, which read:

“Lier! You told me you will help me to start a business! That were your words! Now you want to be an investor??? Well investor I have a surprise for you on a backyard, start with that investment idea first. (sic)”

That surprise turned out to be his $100,000 Mercedes at the bottom of their swimming pool. Gentile said, that upon initial discovery of the car, he was first worried for the safety of Kuchma. Once she was proven to be fine, his concern for her changed. “But after I realized she wasn’t in it, then I start to get pissed off that she would pull something like this after everything I’ve done for her,” Gentile said in an interview with the New York Post about the incident. (Bet he wishes she was in that car now…) Gentile, who now works as an FBI informant after getting caught up in a Wall Street ‘pump and dump’ scheme in the past, says he filed a report with the police and that it took four hours to remove his car from the pool.

Gentile says that he really loved Kuchma and wanted to marry her but that this was going too far. “I dumped her. She dumped my car.” Sure makes smashing up an Xbox seem like not going far enough. Am I right?
People react to breakups differently – it all depends on how they handle loss, and how much the person loved the other. This guy took his breakup very badly when he got in his car and drove 10 miles on the wrong side of the road:

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